Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I  am so thrilled at the fact that I have some followers.  I hope that you have been reading my blog to keep up with what is going on.  I have made some resolutions (not too many as I am terrible at keeping them).  The first is to start exercising again.  I have not been doing so since the weather turned cold and I need to get some weight off.  I hurt my back over the holiday so as soon as it is better I am going to try to start walking/running and lifting weights again.  The next resolution is to read a devotion each morning.  I have done so that past two mornings and plan to continue this each day.  The last resolution is to continue to design.  After the success of my first pattern I have been trying to design several items, two of which you can find here.  I have a stole pattern in my head at present and am working on writing up the pattern for my brother's cap which I had a picture of in my last entry.  I would love for this whole knitting/ designing /second career to take off and that is my dream for 2011!  I hope that everyone has a prosperous New Year.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Yay! Go 2011! Let's be awesome this year!
    Walking is supposed to be the best exercise for back strength. Lucky for me I get to walk my son to school, that's 2 miles each day, a good start.

  2. Way to go with the designing! I've decided I'm definitely not a designer...but I'm great at following charts/patterns. So if you ever need something test knitted let me know. If I'm between projects I'll gladly help out.

    Good luck with the exercise and recovery!
